
+603-2260 5322


Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 10AM - 5PM

Our Purpose

Like MAYI, referring to the life-supporting and nurturing qualities of Mother Earth, we pledge our life-long commitment towards preserving the enviroment, Mother Nature, and the well-being of all.

We aim to promote holistic well-being by creating a world that practices natural lifestyle and educate humanity through best yoga and holistic practices, and through herbal products business, which includes internal and sustainable financial growth and prosperity.

Meet the Founder

Manisekaran is a renowned yoga teacher and social enterprise advocate, bringing colossal health values into the lives of people all over the world.

His success includes a burgeoning empire in the health and wellness field in Malaysia and expanding internationally. He is the founder and president of numerous organisations, companies, and movements under the MAYI Group, namely: Malaysian Yoga Society, Malaysian Association of Yoga Instructors, MAYI Infinity Worldwide, MAYI Co-operative Malaysia Limited and MAYI Waters.

By giving trainings in both these ancient practices, he has churned out more than 5,000 professional masseurs, therapists, yoga instructors and social entrepreneurs who are fully committed to providing holistic health and wellness to the people of the world.